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Sukses dimulai dari pelaksanaan tapi bukan dari perencanaan. Bukti terbaik jika Anda berdoa adalah Anda bertindak. Berperilakulah lebih besar dari pada masalah Anda. Cara bereaksi seseorang menentukan kelas seseorang. Pegangan yang paling baik adalah orang yang Anda cintai dan mencintai Anda


Sunday, 28 April 2013

Handbook of Transport Systems

For friends who want to get a transportation system handbook.

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Steel Tensile Test Reports

For friends who want to get the file to fix the engineering mechanics report and to assist in completing tasks steel tensile test lab report subject material mechanics.

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Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Various polygon and measurement

For subjects of civil engineering who want to get the material on the polygon.

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Open Channel Hydraulics

For subjects of civil engineering who want to get a file open channel hydraulics.

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Deepen Bolts Pull Test lab Mechanics of Materials Science For Civil Engineering

All solid material will deform when under load. Changes depending on the shape of the load, the chemical element and load conditions, the specimen shape, temperature, speed of loading, and so on. At the time of practicum also produced a stress and strain. Voltage intensity is itself a force in the element structure in response to the deformation caused by the operation of external loads. In general, the intensity of this style trending oblique to the field pieces. Deformation is a structural element that can change shape geometrically, this phenomenon was caused by the placement of external loads and temperature changes. Deformation occurs on the load receiving element rod outside depending on the initial size of the cross section so that more appropriate when expressed in the form of strain that is comparative value per unit of measure dimensional changes to the first dimension, the strain can also be defined as a non-dimensional expression of the deformation. A curve that connects between the load and the specimen deformation (deformation) is the main part of the study of the mechanical properties of the specimen material. However, the testing is usually somewhat different when different geometric shapes, although the same material. Therefore the form of a standardized test specimens were made ​​such that the voltage-voltage curves obtained also the standardization anyway.
Dial Indicator

Stiffened steel after tensile test the quality of steel


Steel before the steel tensile steel bolts

Steel after tensile steel with steel bolts

Steel prior to tensile testing of steel with brass bolt

Steel after tensile steel with brass bolt

Dimensional measurements of steel

Download Video Quality Steel Tensile Test (Manometer)
Download Video Quality Steel Tensile Test (Dial Indicator)
Download Video Test Pull Steel With Brass Bolts (Manometer)
Download Video Test Pull Steel With Brass Bolts (Dial Indicator)
Download Video Test Pull Steel With Steel Bolts (Manometer)
Download Video Test Pull Steel With Steel Bolts (Dial Indicator)

Monday, 22 April 2013

Calculation Slide Bolts

To simplify calculations and lab tensile steel material mechanics course material can be downloaded below.

Click Here for Test Slide Bolts

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Lists The Concrete Lab Report Collection

For civil engineering friends who want to see a chronological list of concrete lab report collection.

Click Here for Download

Graph Quality Steel

To help complete the lab report steel, steel quality graphs presented here.

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Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Steel Lab Report

For friends who want to have a video file practicum steel.

Click Here for Download

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

The process of formation of semantic aspects of terms and terminology

Science Concepts and Terminology Efforts kecendikiaan scientists (scientist) and a pandit (scholar) have been and continue to generate scientific concepts, the disclosure set forth in the terminology. There is a term that has been established and there is also a term that still need to be created. Scientific concepts that have been generated scientists and pandit Indonesia itself has a well-established term. However, most of the concepts of modern science is learned, used, and developed by the actors of science and technology in Indonesia comes from abroad and is represented by the term foreign language. In addition, there is the possibility that the activities of scientists and pandit Indonesia will trigger the concept of science, technology, and art completely new so it will be required the creation of new terms.
Raw Material Terms Indonesia There is no one language that are already having a complete vocabulary and does not require expressions to ideas, findings, or new rekacipya. English is now considered the main international language, for example, had to absorb words and phrases from Greek, Latin, French, and other languages, which accounts for nearly three-fifths of the entire vocabulary. Accordingly, the material terms of Indonesia taken from various sources, especially from the three language groups are important, namely (1) the Indonesian language, including elements of absorption, and the Malay language, (2) a cognate language archipelago, including the ancient Javanese language, and ( 3) foreign language support, such as bhasa English and Arabic. 

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